My dear friend Fiona

Created by Gillian 3 years ago

Dear Gordon, James, David, Richard, Jean and Alan  

I first met Fiona in 1997, when Gillian Price invited me to join her weekly squash foursome at the Pleasance. Fiona was an agile and canny squash player, even when first pregnant with James. She was great company too-I loved hearing about her clinical work and research.

When I joined the RTO in 2016, I was delighted to see Fiona sitting three seats away, playing flute. Her playing was sublime-full of warmth, sweetness and strength, and always in time and tune. Our friendship grew, and I have some many wonderful memories of her-a fearless and elegant skiier, a quick runner (especially going uphills), and a talented artist. I shall also remember her warm sense of humour; she told me many funny stories, including about Dallas (her gran's sister) and her fierce flute teacher (who she replaced with a much nicer flute teacher) and the rush to get her engagement ring after your trip to New York. She was an amazing friend to me when I faced a tough times after the Covid 19 pandemic had started-she was able to reach out and provide empathy, kindness and humour, despite her own illnesses. She always knew what to say to bring comfort. 

I am heartbroken that Fiona has died. I will always miss her. As the days lengthen and the January light becomes brighter, I will take solace from the wonderful memories I have of her (particularly when I run around Braid Hills on a Saturday morning), and I will forever treasure those memories.
