Gillian 17th January 2022

I got to know Fiona 15 or so years ago when we co-supervised a PhD student together. From the outset her enthusiasm to apply science to understand the issues that she recognised in clinical practise was clear, she was a true clinician-scientist. We had a great research collaboration, but also talked often of the challenges of an academic career, and of combining that with raising a family. Fiona was of course a very proud Mum of James and David and enjoyed sharing in their musical and sporting activities as they grew up. Over the years I often bumped into Fiona, rushing backwards and forwards between the hospital and QMRI, but always smiling and interested in sharing her news and mine. It was a great pleasure to follow her highly deserved success with her research and especially the niche that she carved out collaborating with engineers and with colleagues oversees, leading to the award of a Personal Chair. Typical of Fiona, she played that down and encouraged me to push on with my own career ambitions, ‘if I can do it, you can too’. Working from home meant that I had little contact with Fiona over the past 18 mths or so and I was completely shocked, and saddened, to learn of her passing. In time I hope that the many positive memories of Fiona shared here will be of comfort to her family, she had such a positive impact on so many people, I will always remember her fondly.